I'm not a big fan of Asteroid, but Someone needs to tell this guy to stay away from the video games and cartoons of our youths. He simply wishes to rape them for the price of $100 million apiece. Jerk. Don't you dare trying to make Shia LeBouef the live-action version of Darkwing Duck!!! And don't even think about the possibility of PRIMAL RAGE: THE MOVIE, or a Jonas version of Double Dragon, 3. Get it?? Three?! Cause there's three of them, oh what wit.

Though I'd give him a crack at 'My Little Pony,' just to see how bad it would be (and it would make Transformers look like Gone with the Wind..."Gone with the Autobots"? Killer crossover, but still not as good as my idea to digitally insert Andre the Giant and Michael Jackson together in a buddy comedy...or would it be a thriller...haaa. It would've made trillions in the eighties.)

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