Monday, September 15, 2008

in Re-vu

I wanted to see BURN AFTER READING this weekend but didn't realize it was out until this morning.

I went to the coolest bar I've been to yet in L.A.

Sox win 3. Pats win (a big) 1.

I watched about an hour of Casino Royale (finally) but fell asleep.
I was quasi-forced to watch America's Next Top Model for the first time. It was a hoot.

I drank mamosas and got some sun atop a downtown high-rise.

I got hooked on MAD MEN. The key is to watch it after a long nap and a long bong rip.

I realized I overhyped TRUE BLOOD, but have not watched the 2nd episode of it. Still bad?

I did it all for the nookie.

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