Wow. just 2 seasons of this? that's it? fuck. i need to time warp and either a) go back to my Peter Weller course on Roman History through Film for a second fix or b) go back in time to Rome and hope Cleopatra truly was as cute as Lyndsey Marshal.
The way they ended the show was great! much better than that turncoat David Chase's series finale...which is ONLY worthwhile IF there's ever a Sopranos movie. Speaking of which, make ROME into a movie. Its best character never dies. They cut the series 2-seasons short of finishing telling us about the fall or whatever of Octavian Caesar. And it the end, isn't the city supposed to fall to Gaul or some shit? Maaan my history knowledge is slipping.
Anyway, watch this show if you ever want to laugh, cry, and then swordfight whilst laughing/crying.
Cleopatra: Is [Titus Pullo] a good man?
Vorenus: Define good.
Ray Stevenson should get a fucking award for that role.

The song I always hear in my mind when writing about this show. Figure it out!
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