Hi! I'm Dan Phoenix. I like/love marijuana, nice cute girls and/or fast confident women, baseball and pizza. I dislike busywork and vegetables. Life is for living. Take pictures. Listen to music. Laugh out Loud. Try to understand human nature. Be understanding, if not, be tolerant. Who are You to decide what is right/wrong.
I'm English/Irish/German/Dutch/French and 2, count 'em, TWO tribes of native American, one on mom's side, one on dad's. Dad's outgoing, Mom's reclusive (divorced). I'm a strange conglomerate of a lot of ancestors I cannot imagine what they were like...Good? Evil? Lazy pot heads? (I'm talking to you, Blackfoot tribe)
I have a really big family and a lot of good friends who are spread across the USA...DC, St. Diego, Chi-town, Beantown, NYC, Gainesville, and fuckin' Arkansas...I REALLY WISH they were all closer together. True Friends are vastly underrated.
I was born a good person 10.30.83, months following a miscarriage (oops) and was a C-section...only child. Low income suburban upbringing i'd be hard-pressed to trade for anything...The Struggles we Survive make us More Apt to Survive greater struggles. It is not irreversible damage, it is merely a gauntlet of tests and quizzes.
i often feel everyday the 'good' in me is being erased. People will tell you I am kind, compassionate, and moral...
And I am, too...but the stability of these virtues is in Question, and that is what I'm writing about.
I hope you have a good day.
"I am a visitor here. I am not permanent."~Ben Gibbard
same song, different takes...
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