Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I already miss them...

Since the mainstay of prime time shows are all about to be done-zo for the summer, I wanted to again provide you precious people with The List of TV shows that are actually good for the brain and don't rot it like anything (and everything) on CBS.
Worst of all, our beloved South Park is already on hiatus after a brilliant 7-episode half-season featuring this incredible faux-song:

Breaking Bad (coming soon: a post entirely about this awesome AMC show)
Rescue Me
The Office
Parks & Recreation (Give it a chance! Or two.)
Lost (you know, some people just hate for the sake of hating. We call them "haters.")
30 Rock
South Park (Fish dicks? Love em.)
Mad Men (shout out to Kinsey)
American Dad (better, though similar, to Family Guy, which peaked in 2000)

um...I don't have a tenth but I'm educated-guessing that FRINGE is the next non-pay-cable show I will tackle, now that I'm a true believe in the power of JJ. And as for HBO and Showtime shows, they're basically all amazing as you will.

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