Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gobble goggle gickle

Think most of us heard about this little ditty yesterday:

Anyway, since I'm stuck in Los Angeles for the holiday, I'm not feeling very festive. In fact, the most festive I've ever felt was when my Mom's birthday was on Thanksgiving and we went out with her fiance and I won $250 on football while drinking legally (I had just turned 21).

So then, how to celebrate this year, 3,000 miles from family and free food...?

I know!
A, B, and C

Monday, November 24, 2008

quote o.t.d.

Jeremiah (to me, on 'OZ') I can't wait till you get to that...

it's seriously like having someone just alternate kicking you in your testicles and punching you in the stomach for like 10 minutes

...(Me: I can't wait!)

Temporarily obsessed...

I'd offer a film-theory style analysis of the themes and what not going on (like the colorful dominance of the Amazonian women and the symbolism of the tribesmen perhaps informing us of a primal, dark corner of Kanye's psyche). Et cetera, et cetera. I like the Drop It Like It's Hot video more, but then again, I haven't watched Love Lockdown on heavy drugs. yet.

Nice shoes, Wanna ____?

Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Talks With Mike Greenman

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I laughed

Before you ask what hip hop has to do with this blog, I'd like to remind you that beats are sexy...great beats are sexier...Scott Storch beats were awesome, but now he's a deadBEAT.

I'm just tryna find what I need...

pedal down the foot hillz

dyno with the black mags.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Quote of the Day

A: (to me) boy, you've let some unimportant girls mess your life up

*Let's hope that's not true. Obama will make it all better.

And in honor of that, I present to you this lovely picture of a man who seems to be in a similar place, despite the fact that he's on 50,000 billboards and I have a blog readership in the one-digits.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You Ignorant Slut

Just had Dan A.'s immortal words on my good reason, but damn does he deliver them with the wryest of gusto!

Fuck Yeah!


MVP 2008
American League
118 Runs
.326 BA
17 HR, 83 RBIs, 20 SB
oh, and a Gold Glove

Monday, November 17, 2008

For Your Consideration (if you could vote for such things)

Yes I took this picture with my blackberry, sorry but Warners didn't want me to have access to their original negative of this LEGENDARY frame. Did you think it was The Joker standing there in the first scene? I bet if you did you quickly changed your mind, just like Chris Nolan wanted you to. I remember that hungover Saturday morning, seeing that whacky clowncrook on the street corner and saying "That guy carries himself like a pro, I bet it's Heath." But then I changed my mind, nah, they'll save the big Joker reveal for later. And it wasn't much later...and now with today's issue of Daily Variety, that ambiguously creepy-cool establishing shot from THE DARK KNIGHT will live in infamy and we'll all be waiting to see if H.L. gets posthumous Oscar gold.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

anon. Quote of the Day

"Now I know how you feel to introduce someone to greatness."
re: The Wire

Step 2: Creating greatness whilst acknowledging an understanding of it.

Step 3: $elling greatness and reevaluating just what greatness is.

don't even know the meaning of life/ain't seen a thing/and you dreaming/flooding the scenery/with yayo and greenery/but for now, you stickin’ em with the heavy machinery.”

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

garfield minus garfield contrib by MR

photo by dp (90046)

This is the kind of thing I really dig (note the one g), as I am a devotee of the existential struggle my high school English teachers taught me about with the help of Camus and Sarte.

Hope you're LOL'ing by now. Happy HUMPDAY, stranger.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Planning for the Holidays without a destination

Thanksgiving in LA...fine by me, though it seems much realer in the New England setting I came to know and got used to. But at least here I can get nice and toasty before after and during eating. Last year we watched AMERICAN BEAUTY, instead of my traditional T-giving favorite THE PRINCESS BRIDE. Is it just me or do the Patriots never get a turkey day game? So sick of the Lions/Cowboys...what's that? Oh, Seahawks/Cowboys this year. Whup di-fucking-doo.

Christmas time in LA...No...please in the name of Science, Noooo! But alas, that will be the case. I plan on watching the entire 6th season of OZ, some SIX FEET UNDER, and possibly taking an overnight drive to Vegas where I can get this monkey off my back (he likes betting on football and the C's). A Chicago New Years may be in order, as might a Saint Diego excursion. MISSING: Article - How not to squander xmas bonus in matter of hours

What matters most is getting some idea while it's still '08 just what the hell I want out of '09, other than the usual laughter, love, pizza and smoothies. I want to write a fucking pilot, and I want to fucking sell it or make it myself. Boom. 12 months to accomplish that??? Stallone wrote ROCKY in three damn days.

too many act ones, no act threes. may the spiked eggnog show me the way from fade in to fade out. i'm going to turn to the Winters brothers and their legend to make this Winter a good one.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Actor Salute: JK Simmons

(as General Anderson in season two of Arrested Development)

J.K.: (leaning back in his chair, suggestively)
Maybe if you go...downtown.

Lucille: I haven't done that in 25 years...

She commences to sing the song "Downtown," though the General looked like he wanted a hummer.

This was the first moment I realized two things: Hey, I've seen this guy before in Spiderman. And hey, he's pretty good! Now that I watch "Oz" where he plays the defininitive villain of the show, a nazi with a penchant for rape, you really get to see what range he has and why he may never have trouble getting a job again.

(from the Sports Guy Bill Simmons):
"Semi-related note: I always get e-mails from readers wondering if my list of "favorite rewatchable cable movies" has expanded to include anything from the last few years. Actually, I have two additions: "The Departed" and "Little Miss Sunshine." You can jump in with either movie at any time. I also like the first 75 to 80 minutes of "Knocked Up," basically everything up until after Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen make the Vegas trip. (After that, it turns into a straight chick flick and bangs home the typical "If you're a dude, you have to lose your friends, your self-worth and all of your quirky traits to find true love" lesson that makes me want to punch Hollywood in the face.) I like the first 80 to 85 minutes of "No Country For Old Men" until Josh Brolin is talking to that girl at the hotel pool. Then I can't flick channels fast enough. And "Juno" has some serious potential if only because Vern Schillinger plays Juno's dad, and I keep waiting for him to rape the guy who knocked up his daughter. Is that one of the deleted scenes in the DVD? "

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The more things Change...

Some would call last night and today Historic, and that it may be. Many are jubilant, almost as many scared. From 1865-1965, our country grew and a lot got worse and a lot got better. From 1965-2008, the country has hit a benchmark many never expected to see. Yet, from 1983-today, I have come to understand that nothing is black and white in this world because we don't even understand how our perception was formed in the first place and what humankind's truest capabilities are...But one thing remains a constant: When there is a celebration, I order pizza.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I post old Joaquin news to distract from new news. Who knew(s)?

A disturbing birthday/Halloween weekend

I had fun, but the shock, trauma, and liver damage will last a lifetime, if not a short while.

Aside from Jack Daniels, Blue Moons, and the occasional Pink margherita, the #1 culprit for it all would be:


Man he's terrifying...until you read his imdb bio, which takes the edge off like an oxycodone the size of Mercury. Taking baby steps toward the next episode despite warnings that it ain't gettin any tamer.


The Innovators of the Inappropriately Hilarious

Genius Perspective on Abstaining

Genius Perspective on Abstaining
Click on pic